UBERHOOD2 CONTENDER FALL RESIDENTS: Carlos, Elder, Popularity, own five top ten business, and gay. Monday: Carlos chats to a friend and chats some else on the phone with the local visitors he skills for a while and then goes to Midnight Flows, sings karoke has a drink chills on the seat and carries on dancing when he gets home. Tuesday: a meal for one the Goodies come to visit Carlos sends them home and uses the crystal ball only two bolts but Carlos has some fun. Wednesday: a meal for one skilling he greeted Rose Greenman, and than chatted on the phone. Thursday: clearing up the dishes and Carlos decides to have a party Rose Greenman, Faith Goodie and Johnson Fleig came to the party Carlos entertained Johnson and the girls chatted between themselves for a while and everybody met in the living room and Carlos decided to trim the hedges. Friday: On the phone, Carlos loves to talk finishing off the hedges and Carlos wanted some drums and Johnson left a ...