UBERHOOD2 GAVIGAN FALL RESIDENTS: Mary: Adult, Family, Golden Anniversary and straight Nathan: Adult, Fortune, Hall of Famer Isiah: Child, grow up Monday: Mary and Nathan welcome new neighbours and give them lunch Nathan enjoys a bit of painting Isiah comes home from school and chats on the phone about birds The Gavigan's have invited the private headmaster and Isiah has got in. Tuesday: Mary got a job in politics but no job for Nathan he stayed home and did some cleaning and painting Mary got a promotion and Nathan helped Isiah with his homework Wednesday: Still no job for Nathan Isiah brought home a friend from school and had a lovely pillow fight Mary got another promotion at work Mary played some chess for her job and Isiah did his homework Thursday: Time for Isiah to go to school, still no job for Nathan He writes in his diary about the lack of opportunities for himself He prepares a meal for some guests and their have a lovely time chatting well into the n...