UBERHOOD2 LONER FALL RESIDENTS: Ajay: Adult, Fortune, Prestidigitator, straight. Monday: time to get food ready for the welcome wagon ok, everybody else watch the television while Ajay eats off to Rodney's hideout and played some poker. Tuesday: Clean the house for visitors and skill, still no job Consort Capp and Lindsey Louie came to visit and so did Don Lothario. Wednesday: Still no luck with a job time to call a taxi, let get out of the house but we need money first and off to Red Famous 50's diner and cake to eat and then to play some pool with a random guy and home to bed. Thursday: time to skill we managed to get a job and met Kristine Loste 2 blts and then time to say goodbye as we are off to work and we get a promotion on our first shift. Friday: Another date with Kristen their enjoyed each other company very much and time to say goodbye again has Ajay has work and gets another promotion and skills in his clown costume. Saturday: Time to unblock the toilet and...