UBERHOOD2 BELL2 UNIVERSITY RESIDENTS: Daniel Bell: Freshman,Popularity, Make 20,000 buy playing poker Jasmine Rai: Senior Zoe Zimmerman: Senior Daniel made himself at home pretty quick he even told mascot about his promotions when he was a teen Jasmine needed a charisma point and Zoe was very unladylike Their all went to Lucky cards and played for Poker for a while, have not idea how much Daniel earned The girls did some homework and Daniel played on the computer Daniel telling Jasmine he is not sure what major he should take Grades and Gpa's Daniel A+ 4.0 Jasmine B 3.6 Zoe C 3.4 Semester Two Their all went to a place called Wasteland Lounge and did a variety of things The girls are at their classes and Daniel as a few hours peace painting has to be done he cooks for his roommates as their will be gone soon and one picture before the girls go to their last exam. Grades and Gpa's Daniel A+ 4.0 Jasmine B 3.6 graduated Zoe C 3.4 graduated