UBERHOOD2 BROKE FALL RESIDENTS: Brandi, Adult: Family: Captain Hero - Gay Dustin: Teenager: Fortune, City Planner - straight Beau: Toddler: grow up Monday: Brandi is holding Beau before going into her trailer Beau does not want to learn how to talk the welcome wagon arrives Dustin brought home Johnny Smith from school Dustin helps with potty training Beau Tuesday: time for breakfast with Dustin Dustin gives Beau a cuddle and helps again with the potty training Brandi finds out she is pregnant someone kicked over the trash can and Dustin tries to catch up with his homework. No jobs for either of them. Wednesday: more potty training for Beau and the baby grows Dustin chats to his mum before school and after school the Private Headmaster comes to visit it is time for Beau to become a child Happy Birthday Beau Dustin and the headmaster chat over food and hang out together Dusting and Beau got into private school. Thursday: it is time for a baby and it is a boy called Aust...