Brandi, Adult: Family: Captain Hero - Gay
Dustin: Teenager: Fortune, City Planner - straight
Beau: Toddler: grow up
Brandi is holding Beau before going into her trailer
Beau does not want to learn how to talk
the welcome wagon arrives
Dustin brought home Johnny Smith from school
Dustin helps with potty training Beau
time for breakfast
with Dustin
Dustin gives Beau a cuddle
and helps again with the potty training
Brandi finds out she is pregnant
someone kicked over the trash can
and Dustin tries to catch up with his homework. No jobs for either of them.
more potty training for Beau
and the baby grows
Dustin chats to his mum before school
and after school the Private Headmaster comes to visit
it is time for Beau to become a child
Happy Birthday Beau
Dustin and the headmaster chat over food
and hang out together
Dusting and Beau got into private school.
it is time for a baby
and it is a boy called Austin
Beau is pleased to have a little brother
Brandi helps Dustin with homework and Dustin managed to get a job
and Brandi also helps Beau with his homework
and nearly time for bed for all.
Brandi manages to skill while Austin plays
Dustin helps clear away the newspaper
time for a birthday
Austin is now a toddler
managed to get some smart milk down and the walking skill is done
and Dustin manages to catch up with his homework.
a cuddle for Austin
Dustin took Beau to Woodland Park
and played on the playground
and slide
When they got home Dustin called over Angela Pleasant
and has his first kiss
he also managed to get a promotion to get toc of the teen architecture career
Austin managed to master the potty skill
Invasion of teenagers and beau is playing with Austin
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