
My sims has gone again the pre-pleasantview and strangetown, downloaded a community lots from Sims Resources and it i couldn't get in to any of my houses. So I had to restart my sims so i thought I would try and download an Uberhood nope that didn't work so i made my own. some of the pre-mades i have to make in CAS and some are the real sims from the bin. I have still got my acr mod and few others mods, but that is no other downloads.

A few of my own rules

All sims must roll the want to skill for the next promotion

Only one child per family if that haven't had any children yet. If the sims have children their will be not be having anymore.

If possible i will try and get three bolt couples


Must roll to write term paper or skill

I have taken the original houses that the pre-mades live in too and converted the insides to how i like them, and decorated.

It will be in Alphabetical Order let's start with the:



Cas Made

Luis: Elder: Knowledge, max out seven skills
Elizabeth: Adult: Fortune, Hall of Famer
Victor. Adult: Family, Captain Hero
Pauline: Toddler, grow up

Monday (lost the pictures)

Elizabeth got into the Athletic career

The Welcome Wagon was Rose and Jason Greenman, and Denis Jacquet

Elizabeth and Luis went to the crpto Club


Luis helps Pauline with her toddler skills

and so does Victor

Pauline plays

and the males skills

Elizabeth got a promotion.


Victor helped Pauline learn how to walk

Elizabeth went to work

Luis napped and Victor skilled

time for a birthday

Pauline is a child.


Elizabeth has the day off today

and spends it with Victor

Elizabeth helps Pauline with her homework

Victor greets the private headmaster

Pauline congrats her mum for getting a promotion

Dinner with the headmaster and Elizabeth chats about moving into their new home

And Pauline gets into private school.


Luis gets up early and starts skilling

Pauline goes to private school

Victor still has found a job and chats to Pauline about their house

Victor and Elizabeth have a dance, while Pauline does her homework

and Victor went to look at the stars.


Victor, Luis and Pauline went to Sugar Cube Bowling Alley, the men played pool

and Pauline bowled

Pauline watched her dad and grandfather play pool, her dad won

time to go home

Elizabeth got a promotion

and a hug from Pauline


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