Eric Swain: Senior
Frances J Worthington: Senior
Jimmy Phoenix: Senior
Stella Terrano: Senior
Semester One
Frances and Stella watch television and chat about soda
but once their have gone to bed, their get a burglar
the cops get him and arrest him.
Student stuff going on
Skilling for the boys and Frances does his term paper
Eric does his term paper
Francis and Eric watch television and chat about food
Frances does his assignment in the bathroom
Jimmy gets buzzed by a cow
and Frances has a late nap.
Grades and Gpa's
Eric: C 3.5
Frances: C+ 3.3
Jimmy: A+ 3.7
Stella: C+ 3.4
Semester Two
Food, skilling and term paper writing
Frances uses the Crystal Ball and gets Sarah Love but she has a 3 bolt man
Frances is on the phone but i think Jimmy wants a word with him.
You think Frances would have lots of money
Erik meets Ellie Alitio and has 3 bolts
I have no idea whose is under the sheets
painting for Stella and food for Frances
time to call a friend
and a final term paper
Frances and Stella do not look happy.
Grades and Gpa's
Eric: C 3.4
Frances: C+ 3.2
Jimmy: C+ 3.6
Stella: C+ 3.3
all graduated
Word Count: 212
Picture Count: 21
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