UBERHOOD2 UNIVERSITY BUBBLER RESIDENTS: Chaz Whippler: YA, Romance, 20 different lovers, Literature Major and straight Ellen Frost: YA, Fortune, Criminal Mastermind, Economics Major and straight Jared Starchild, YA, Family, Education Minister, Art Major and straight Phineaus Furley, YA, Family, Education Minister, Political science Major and straight Sam Thomas, YA, Popularity, Media Magnate, Psychology Major and straight Ty Bubbler, YA, Popularity, Become Mayor, Philosphy Major and straight Freshman Semester One Grades and Gpa's Chaz A+ 4.0 Ellen A+ 4.0 Jared A+ 4.0 Phineaus C 2.0 Sam B 3.0 Ty C 2.0 Freshman Semester Two Chaz A+ 4.0 Ellen A+ 4.0 Jared A+ 4.0 Phineaus A+ 3.0 Sam A+ 3.5 Ty A+ 3.0
UBERHOOD2 CONTRARY FALL RESIDENTS: Edward: Adult, Knowledge, Space Pirate Opal: Adult, Knowledge, Game Designer Rick: Teenager, Fortune, Chief of Staff and Gay Monday: No jobs for anybody yet the welcome wagon arrived and ate food once rick was home from school Opal helped with his homework Rick wanted to get into private school and called the Headmaster He enjoyed the dinner with the guests and Rick got into Private School. Tuesday: Rick looks good in his uniform Opal find a job in the Gaming career no luck for the boys to find jobs Opal got a promotion and entertained Rick friend from school Wednesday: As Edward hasn't found a job in does a repair job on the dishwasher cooks food and has time to skill too Rick comes home with an A+ sadly no promotion for Opal Rick wants to earn money so we got a money tree and also became best friends with his mum. Thursday: As Edward has a lot of free time he skills a lot still no jobs for the boys Rick shows his hands to his...
Uberhood2 My sims has gone again the pre-pleasantview and strangetown, downloaded a community lots from Sims Resources and it i couldn't get in to any of my houses. So I had to restart my sims so i thought I would try and download an Uberhood nope that didn't work so i made my own. some of the pre-mades i have to make in CAS and some are the real sims from the bin. I have still got my acr mod and few others mods, but that is no other downloads. A few of my own rules All sims must roll the want to skill for the next promotion Only one child per family if that haven't had any children yet. If the sims have children their will be not be having anymore. If possible i will try and get three bolt couples University Must roll to write term paper or skill I have taken the original houses that the pre-mades live in too and converted the insides to how i like them, and decorated. It will be in Alphabetical Order let's start with the: Aspir Fall Cas Made Luis: Elder: Knowledge, ...
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